Samantha over at 24 to 30 has nominated me for a Liebster Award! From her blog I learned that the award is to honor up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers and then pay it forwards by honoring some of your favorite new blogs as well!
The Rules are:
1) Post 11 random facts about yourself.
2) Answer the 11 questions the nominator asked.
3) You (the nominee) come up with 11 new nominees (no tag backs) and 11 questions for them to answer.
4) Nominees should have less than 200 followers and should link back to you on their Liebster blog post.
5) Lastly, be sure to let the nominees know that you have nominated them!
11 Random Facts About Me
1) I am addicted to Social Networking....ok, you most likely already know that...But really, I wake up in the morning and check Facebook and all throughout the day I check it and before I got to bed and when I can't sleep...I wasn't lying when I said addicted...
2) I was mugged in 2004 at 10pm walking out of Meijer in Kalamazoo. To this day I am paranoid to be by myself and I don't like to go anywhere after dark alone. He has caused me to have some crazy paranoia. The ironic thing was I only had $1.52 in my purse at the time and he was looking for money to buy cocaine....I don't know about the prices to buy some of that but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't get much with $1.52.
3) I see a therapist/counselor at least once every other week.
4) I am medically diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Chemically Imbalanced Depression.
5) I love God with all my heart and I strive to be the best child to him that I can be but it is a struggle that I deal with every second of my life.
6) I feel that I grew up too fast and missed out on some of the things people my age do/did. Although, the path I chose was my choice.
7) I am the oldest of 6 children. 5 girls and 1 boy. We all have the same parents.
8) My Husband and I have been married for almost 8 years and together for almost 11. I started dating him when I was 17 and he was 21.
9) We have 2 children. A 5 year old daughter and 2 year old son.
10) We are most likely done having children.
11) My son is being evaluated for Autism right now. I am pretty confident that he is Autistic and I am ok with that because that means we are getting some answers and support in our journey.
Samantha's Questions
1. What is your favorite book or movie? I don't read as much as I should or want to. My favorite movie has always been Dirty Dancing.
2. What is your favorite winter activity? Even though I am a Michigan Girl I have always hated Winter. If I have to choose I guess it would be sledding.
3. What was your first car? 1982 Olds Omega
4. What is one thing you could eat every day and not get tired of? Cheesecake and Sour Punch Straws
5. Would you rather ride a roller coaster or the ferris wheel? As I'm getting older I tend to be a Ferris Wheel rider
6. What is your least favorite household task? It's a tie between doing the dishes and folding laundry
7. What's one clothing item or accessory you couldn't live without? Purse or scarf
8. Do you have any pets? Nope
9. Do you prefer high heels or flip flops? Flip Flops
10. What is one household possession that you couldn't live without? Laptop or Cellphone, if those are considered household possessions?
11. What was your favorite vacation ever? With just me and hubby: Our honeymoon at Niagara Falls. Us as a family: Ohio Reunion trip and Akron Zoo.
New Nominess - please go check out their blogs! (I could only come up with 7 blogs that I follow that have under 200 followers. It appears most of my friends are more popular than I.... LOL
-Brooke @ Bundy's Place
-Nina @ peace. love. & good food.
-Sara @ Starving Novelist
-Kim @ Team Howard
-Jen @ The Polka Dot Posie
-Hillary @ The Sassy One
-Amanda @ Where There is Love, There is Life
11 questions for Nominees
1) Have you ever been on a plane before?
2) Which of your family members (if any) enjoy reading your blog?
3) What subjects are off-limits on your blog and why?
4) Tell me 4 things that you carry with you.
5) What super power would you like to have if you could pick on?
6) What TV show can you watch reruns of over and over and over and over?
7) Coffee or Tea?
8) What was your favorite childhood toy?
9) Favorite Season?
10) You can have a half-hour convo with anyone, living or dead. Who do you choose and why?
You're Up!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Me: A-Z
age - 28
bed size - King
chore you hate - Emptying the dishwasher and doing laundry. Its an even tie.
dogs - Tried a few too many dogs before we figured out we are not a pet family.
essential start to your day - I would like to say something healthy like working out or a yummy breakfast shake, but really my day starts as soon as I go to the
favorite color - Pink
gold or silver - Silver
height - 5 feet 5 inches
instruments you play - Kazoo
job title - Stay at home mom
kids -Cadence and Nathan
live - to the fullest!
married - 8 years in April
nicknames - Steph, My dad calls me Rebel, nieces and nephews refer to me as Mae Mae.
overnight hospital stays - Just when I had both of my babies.
pet peeve - Folding the towels the wrong way.
righty or lefty - Righty
siblings - 5- Christen, Samantha, Cassandra, Richard Jr, Bonnie (Yes, they are all my biological sibs, not step or half, My parents were busy, lol.)
time you wake up - Weekdays-7am Weekends-Between 8-10 (sometimes Leif lets me sleep in!)
university attended - None- Kalamazoo Valley Comm and Glen Oaks Comm.
vegetables you dislike - None that I can really think of....
what makes you run late - Myself.....I'm always running late.
x-rays you've had - Shoulder, teeth
yummy food - Cheesecake
zoo animal favorite - Monkeys and Giraffes
Friday, January 4, 2013
Health and Fitness Friday: New Years Edition
Once again it is Health and Fitness Friday over at A Daily Dose of Davis! I'm pretty sure its really only Tuesday and not Friday...because this week has FLOWN by! I am just dumbfounded by the fact that we are already ending the first week of 2013!
SO, this week I have been really focusing on my weight loss portion of my goals list. I have been watching what I eat, making better choices and working my buns off!
Here's what I've been working on:
~Sticking to 1580 calories a day and at least 8-8oz glasses of water.
~Our Fitness group (Operation: LGN) has started another 31 day challenge that I am taking part in.
~And I have also started a January Squat Challenge that a friend shared on Facebook.

~I also just bought my first treadmill so I have Re-Started the C25K!
One of my goals was to complete it this year and I have to train for my Chicago 5K anyways so lets kill two birds with one stone and get a great workout while I'm at it!
I've been thinking about trying some smoothies for breakfast time.
I need something quick and easy and yummy that I can drink on the go. Do I have an Smoothie drinkers out there!?! Share your fav recipes. Do you have any other suggestions for an easy on the go breakfast? This Momma needs suggestions!! :-)
I wish you all a Happy Friday and a great weekend to come!
Until Next Time.....
Fitness Friday,
Weight loss,
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