Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Check it Out!
Its December giveaway time at
And, Even though I would rather not tell anyone so that I can win I've decided that today will be the day that I share the good news! :-) Hop on over there to see what they are giving away and then put in a good word for your friend Steph! Hope you are having a Happy Tuesday and a great week!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Five on Friday!!
Today's Five on Friday is pretty obvious! It's about CHRISTMAS!!
1) 25th December was not celebrated as the birthday of Christ until the year AD 440.
2) Approximate amount generated by photographs with Santa in shopping malls in the USA in dollars:
$2,255,750,0003) From the 18th century, it was a custom to ring the Church bells on the Christmas morning to inform the world the arrival of Savior ,the Christ.
4) In Australia , It is advised to greet as “Happy Christmas” and not as “Merry Christmas
” as Merry has the significance of getting drunk.
5) A wreath is used to decorate the Christmas tree
and signifies the birth of Christ. The holly with the sharp needles in the wreath intends thorns in Christ's crown-of-thorns and red berries mean the blood drops of Christ.
I wish Everyone a Merry CHRISTmas today!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Apparently when you gotta go, you gotta go.....standing up.....
Ok, so what’s a GoGirl you ask!?
Simply put, GoGirl is the way to stand up to crowded, disgusting, distant or non-existent bathrooms. It’s a female urination device (sometimes called a FUD) that allows you to urinate while standing up. It’s neat. It’s discreet. It’s hygienic.GoGirl is easy to use. Just lower your panties, and put GoGirl against your body, forming a seal. Aim and, well, pee. Pretty simple, huh? GoGirl fits easily in your purse, pocket, or glove compartment. It’s a must for travel and sports. And it’s great for everyday––no more crouching over or trying to cover up an unsanitary public toilet. While the concept may be new to you, European women have used female urination devices for years. GoGirl’s not the first device of its kind. But try it. And we think you’ll agree it’s easily the best. Only GoGirl is made with flexible, medical grade silicone. Dispose of it after use. Or clean and reuse as you like. (Urine is sterile, but the product can come into contact with contaminates during use, so take precautions when cleaning.) Our patented splash guard eliminates messing and spilling. Once you practice a time or two, using a GoGirl is going to feel like second nature. You won’t be like a man. You’ll just pee like one.
So,I guess the only thing left to say is for the very low price of $6.99, would you buy a FUD??
Oh yeah, here is the best part....its available in Pink and Camouflage!!!
To me, its just a TAD bit Creepy!!
My first Awards!
So, Ive always been curious and a little envious at all of the Blog awards I have seen out there! I never knew what I had to do to get them or who the special person was to give them away! Well, I am happy to say that in the past couple of days I have received my first 2 awards!!
The second one I have to work for before it is officially mine though!
The rules to this are pretty simple. I'm supposed to list 10 things that make me happy and then I pass this award on to 10 blogs that brighten my day.
Ten things that make my day:
1. When Cady tells me that she "Lubs" me!
2. When Leif text messages me to tell me that he is on his way home.
3. When I get a new Christmas Card in the mail!
4. Watching Cady dance around the house and sing to her tv shows!
5. Doing anything that involves my family.
6. Holiday related activities.
7. Kissing Cady and Leif good night.
8. The smell of my favorite Apple candle looming through the house.
9. Hearing Cady laugh.
10. Getting to spend a few hours to myself after Leif and Cady go to bed.
Now for the 10 blogs that I think deserve this award and that you should go check out!
2. He & Me + 3
3. Scottsville
4. Riding Life
5. Pieces of Me
6. Baby Dreams
9. Manic Mother
Saturday, December 19, 2009
And The Winner IS........
Congratulations Joy for winning my first ever giveaway!! I will be emailing you shortly to get your address and the item that you would like.
I wanted to send a special Thanks to all of you who entered! Thank You so much for your support! I hope you have a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Monday, December 14, 2009
The time has come for my First GIVEAWAY!!!
The time has come for my First GIVEAWAY!!!
I am sponsoring my own giveaway this time so the prize you can win is from my company CadyMayDesigns!
I will let you pick any one item from my inventory as your prize! You can chose from a hair bow, a taggie/lovie blanket, a tutu or a hair bow holder and I will ship it to you! It is my way of saying Thanks You for supporting me and my new endeavors and to say Merry Christmas!! The contest will start immediately and end at midnight on Friday December 18th.
A winner will be picked at and I will post the winner on Saturday.
First, click on the link to my page and look in my photo albums for my inventory.
1. Anyone may leave one comment here telling me one thing you think you may like from my inventory for a 1st entry.
2. Following my blog and commenting to let me know that you did will get you another entry and IF you're already a follower on this blog, Just say, "I'm a follower!" in your second comment for a 2nd entry.
3. And for a 3rd entry, blog about this Giveaway, and then come back and comment letting me know that you did.
So, that gives you 3 entries to my giveaway! If you are reading this from Facebook then you need to come to my blog in order to enter. Come on over to: to enter!
2. Following my blog and commenting to let me know that you did will get you another entry and IF you're already a follower on this blog, Just say, "I'm a follower!" in your second comment for a 2nd entry.
3. And for a 3rd entry, blog about this Giveaway, and then come back and comment letting me know that you did.
So, that gives you 3 entries to my giveaway! If you are reading this from Facebook then you need to come to my blog in order to enter. Come on over to: to enter!
*Remember you MUST leave separate comments for each entry! And leave your email address in one of your comments so I know how to get a hold of you!!
Good Luck Everyone and Thank You for Your Support!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christmas Trees From Around the World/12 days of Christmas--Super interesting!
I received this email today and thought it was very informational and brought a great meaning with it! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Christmas Trees From Around The World
Christmas Trees From Around The World
The Capitol Christmas tree in Washington, D.C., is decorated with 3,000 ornaments that are the handiwork of U.S. schoolchildren. Encircling evergreens in the 'Pathway of Peace' represent the 50 U.S. states.
The world's largest Christmas tree display rises up the slopes of Monte Ingino outside of Gubbio, in Italy's Umbria region. Composed of about 500 lights connected by 40,000 feet of wire, the 'tree' is a modern marvel for an ancient city
A Christmas tree befitting Tokyo's nighttime neon display is projected onto the exterior of the Grand Prince Hotel Akasaka.
Illuminating the Gothic facades of Prague's Old Town Square, and casting its glow over the manger display of the famous Christmas market, is a grand tree cut in the Sumava mountains in the southern Czech Republic.
Venice 's Murano Island renowned throughout the world for its quality glasswork is home to the tallest glass tree in the world. Sculpted by master glass blower Simone Cenedese, the artistic Christmas tree is a modern reflection of the holiday season.
Moscow celebrates Christmas according to the Russian Orthodox calendar on Jan. 7. For weeks beforehand, the city is alive with festivities in anticipation of Father Frost's arrival on his magical troika with the Snow Maiden. He and his helper deliver gifts under the New Year tree, or yolka, which is traditionally a fir.
The largest Christmas tree in Europe (more than 230 feet tall) can be found in the Praça do Comércio in Lisbon, Portugal. Thousands of lights adorn the tree, adding to the special enchantment of the city during the holiday season.
'Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree': Even in its humblest attire, aglow beside a tiny chapel in Germany's Karwendel mountains, a Christmas tree is a wondrous sight.
Ooh la la Galeries Lafayette! In Paris, even the Christmas trees are chic. With its monumental, baroque dome, plus 10 stories of lights and high fashion, it's no surprise this show-stopping department store draws more visitors than the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower
In addition to the Vatican's heavenly evergreen, St. Peter's Square in Rome hosts a larger-than-life nativity scene in front of the obelisk.
The Christmas tree that greets revelers at the Puerta del Sol is dressed for a party. Madrid's two-week celebration makes millionaires along with merrymakers. On Dec. 22, a lucky citizen will win El Gordo (the fat one), the world's biggest lottery.
A token of gratitude for Britain's aid during World War II, the Christmas tree in London's Trafalgar Square has been the annual gift of the people of Norway since 1947.
Drink a glass of gluhwein from the holiday market at the Romer, Frankfurt's city hall since 1405 and enjoy a taste of Christmas past.
Against a backdrop of tall, shadowy firs, a rainbow trio of Christmas trees lights up the night (location unknown).
There is one Christmas Carol that has always baffled me. What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won't come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas?
This week, I found out.
From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.
-The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.
-Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.
-Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.-
-The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
-The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.
-The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.
-Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit-- Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.
-The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.
-Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit--Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.
-The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.
-The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.
-The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.
So there is your history for today. This knowledge was shared with me and I found it interesting and enlightening and now I know how that strange song became a Christmas pass it on if you wish.'
Merry Christmas Everyone!
And last, but not least:
I wonder why the press hasn't enlightened the public about it??
Arlington National Cemetery
Rest easy, sleep well my brothers.
Know the line has held, your job is done.
Rest easy, sleep well.
Others have taken up where you fell, the line has held.
Peace, peace, and farewell...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Become a fan, Enter my Giveaway!
Hey Everyone!
I have started my own small business a few months ago and have decided to sponsor my first giveaway on my blog! But in order to do this I am asking for 100 fans on my Facebook site! I need 10 more before I can start my giveaway, so if you are interested in entering head on over to my business page, CadyMayDesigns, and become a fan and once I hit 100 I will start the contest and let you know what you can win!!
(Here is a little hint, It will be one of my custom made pieces, but which one it will be Im not telling yet!)
Hope to see you there!
And just in case you are interested, it is not too late to get your Christmas orders in!!
Thank You all in Advance for your Support!
Kinda bored, kinda tired, kinda lacking ideas in the blogging department....So I Google!
So, Ive been having a hard time thinking about things to blog about...I know, I have A LOT to say, I just cant think of anything that is blog worthy!! Ive been trying to build my followers list and trying to find new blogs to follow so I have been browsing around Blogger and I found a great blog called Sacred and Profane. In one of her blogs she made a list of the things that she has Googled about....I had to Laugh! If you know if me, then you know about my LOVE for Google! You know that I Google EVERYTHING!! If I want to know about something I jump on my nearest computer and Google it!! So, I thought I would take a cue from her blog and make my own list! So, here are some of the latest things I have googled about! And if I have an explanation Ill try to!
Beware, I'm not making these up.....these are true things that I have Googled.....Don't say I didn't warn you!
*Mens pikolinos Detroit Slip On shoes.......I was trying to help a friend find the best price! And I was curious to know what a pikolino was!
*Anna Chlumsky......I saw her on a movie and new that I recognized her but couldn't remember who she was. Come to find out she is Veda from My Girl all grown up!!
*CHII hair....Not sure if I was the only one who had NO idea what this was! But I found out it is a Hair Straightener.
*Vegemite Sandwich.....Yes, I did type that.....And trust me, if you don't know what it means as a slang word, you don't wanna know!!
*Things to blog can I say, Ive hit some writers block lately!
*Nickname for David Hasselhoff......I was trying to prove a point!
*Free Episodes of Glee....I missed an episode, Not sure how I did that!
*How to be on the Biggest can only wish.....
*Logger Stroller....a friend of mine said she wanted one of these for her upcoming baby. I found out it was a typo and she really wanted a JOGGER stroller! Lol. No wonder I couldn't find anything about a logger one!
So, those are a few things that I have wondered about. I can honestly say that my mind is ALWAYS running! I never stop thinking about stupid things and apparently I Google as many as I can!
Hope you all have a Wonderful Wednesday!!
Beware, I'm not making these up.....these are true things that I have Googled.....Don't say I didn't warn you!
*Mens pikolinos Detroit Slip On shoes.......I was trying to help a friend find the best price! And I was curious to know what a pikolino was!
*Anna Chlumsky......I saw her on a movie and new that I recognized her but couldn't remember who she was. Come to find out she is Veda from My Girl all grown up!!
*CHII hair....Not sure if I was the only one who had NO idea what this was! But I found out it is a Hair Straightener.
*Vegemite Sandwich.....Yes, I did type that.....And trust me, if you don't know what it means as a slang word, you don't wanna know!!
*Things to blog can I say, Ive hit some writers block lately!
*Nickname for David Hasselhoff......I was trying to prove a point!
*Free Episodes of Glee....I missed an episode, Not sure how I did that!
*How to be on the Biggest can only wish.....
*Logger Stroller....a friend of mine said she wanted one of these for her upcoming baby. I found out it was a typo and she really wanted a JOGGER stroller! Lol. No wonder I couldn't find anything about a logger one!
So, those are a few things that I have wondered about. I can honestly say that my mind is ALWAYS running! I never stop thinking about stupid things and apparently I Google as many as I can!
Hope you all have a Wonderful Wednesday!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Look what I got at Target Today!
Complete with a pizza sauce mustache and a Build A Bear Doggie, I found this AWESOME deal at Target!!
Conversations with a 2 year old
So, my daughter has been talking for awhile now, but just lately she has started talking up a storm! She has been asking questions a lot (mainly WHY???), telling us what she thinks, making decisions and even talking back a few times! Its amazing how far her level of speech has come in just a short time! Lately she has been saying some wild things that make me laugh so much, even more when I realize that she is only 2!
Here are some of my favorites that I can think of right now!
-Cady: Mom, come pease!!
-Me: Why?
-Cady: I stuck!
-Me: Where are you?
-Cady: Here!
-Me: Where is here?
-Cady: Ova here!
-Me: I cant help you if I don't know where you are. What room are you in?
-Cady: Ova here!
-Me: *Walking into the playroom* Hunny, why are you in your doll stroller?
-Cady: Cuz I stuck!!
Here are some of my favorites that I can think of right now!
-Cady: Momma, ball house!
-Me: Momma cant fit in the ball house.
-Cady: Why?
-Me: Because my butt is too big!
-Cady: You no have big butt momma!
-Me: Aww, thanks! I love you!
-Cady: I Lub ME too momma!!-Me: Cady, come here please.
-Cady: Why?
-Me: Because I said so.
-Cady: I busy!
-Me: Doing what?
-Cady: Pooping! -Me: Do you want hot dog or sandwich for snack?
-Cady: Leave me alone!
-Me: Ok then, I wont get you a snack.
-Cady: What-Eva!-Cady: Mom, come pease!!
-Me: Why?
-Cady: I stuck!
-Me: Where are you?
-Cady: Here!
-Me: Where is here?
-Cady: Ova here!
-Me: I cant help you if I don't know where you are. What room are you in?
-Cady: Ova here!
-Me: *Walking into the playroom* Hunny, why are you in your doll stroller?
-Cady: Cuz I stuck!!
-Cady: Cassy!
-Cady: Cassy!
-Cady: Cassy!
-Cassy: What Cadence?
-Me: Cady, I love you.
-Cady: Lub you too, now go away!
Ill leave it at that for now. I'm amazed at the new words that she learns everyday! Apparently we are going to have to teach her that telling people to shut up and telling them to go away is not nice!
BUT, How can you even resist this face??
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Please Help Dylan and his Family!
**I saw this on Manic Mother's blog and wanted to help spread the word!**
Please Help….
This is Dylan. Dylan has ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia). Dylan has high risk ALL, he has been one heck of a fighter, he has been through so much in his young life.
PLEASE, go to C.O.L.E.’S Foundation, and vote for Dylan Kinsey. Please. His family so deserves this Christmas money, and they need it too.
It takes one minute of your life, one minute that could help make one little boys Christmas that much more merrier. You could even take it one extra step and blog or tweet about it. It would mean the world to Beth, and to this family.
Thank You So Much for everyone that votes! It is SOOO easy, I just did it and it took about 5 seconds!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Possible Christmas Card!
So, Ive been playing around with Picasa alittle bit and I think I have come up with a possible Christmas Card design! Since we have a 2 year old who doesnt sit long enough to do an actual photo session I thought about using candids instead of professionals and the crazy Wal-Mart pics we took tonight seemed to describe our family perfectly!
So what do you think!?!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Who knew you could have so much fun at Wal-Mart!
Leif, Cady and I took a drive to Portage this evening and had a "Family Date"! We started at TGI Friday's for dinner where I had my FAVORITE Sizzling Chicken and Cheese!! Then we found ourselves at Wal-Mart. I just had to show you some cute pictures that I shot tonight but we had so much fun shopping and we didn't even really buy anything! Cady is a hoot when it comes to the Christmas section at a store! (Did I just say Hoot??) She laughs and points and yells "Lights" and is so excited to see Santa and snowmen! So, naturally since she loves Christmas decorations so much she would want to try on the Santa hats! So, here is what we did while in the Christmas Section at Wal-Mart tonight!
Before you ask, we DID have people looking at us and pointing! It never stops us from having a little fun!
Hope you have a GREAT weekend!
Five on Friday!!
This weeks 5 on Friday is about Christmas Trees!! I LOVE Christmas! I love everything about it! Especially decorating our Christmas Tree!!
1) Christmas trees have been sold commercially in the United States since about 1850.
2) In the United States, there are more than 21, 000 Christmas tree growers.
3) Christmas trees take an average of 7-10 years to mature.
4) The first decorated Christmas tree was in Riga, Latvia in 1510.
5) The use of evergreen trees to celebrate the winter season occurred before the birth of Christ.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Luka Organics, A WONDERFUL addition to my shower products!
A while ago I entered my very first Blog Giveaway at Joy's Blog On Finding Balance. Since I'm not very lucky when it comes to winning things I was ecstatic to hear that I had won!
What I had won was 2 bars of Luka Organics Soap! I chose Apple Spice and Lavender.
The first thing I noticed when I received my package in the mail was the smell. The Apple Spice almost jumped out of the box! I LOVE Apple smells so this was a fantastic surprise for me! The second thing I noticed was the way that they looked. They have the normal square look of a bar of soap, but the top of it was very interesting. Almost like it had been cut out of the pan with a jagged broken knife! Joy says it best in her blog when she described the bar of soap "and the top of each bar has a choppy raw edge that looks like a stormy soap sea frozen in time." I totally agree!
The apple is made with organic apple peel and you can see it sticking out of the soap. The best part about it is when it hits the water, the scent comes out full force! When you use it your skin also has a hint of apple smell for hours after your done with your shower!
I am making Christmas baskets for a few of my family members as a Christmas gift and decided to purchase a few bars of soap to include in their baskets. So I went to their website and the ordering process couldn't have been any easier! I received my box in the mail today and guess what? They included 2 free bars for me to try out with my order!!! How awesome is that!?! So, not only do I have my all time favorite Apple Spice to enjoy in my shower tonight, I have 2 more to try after that!!
So, to end this blog, I would like to send out a Thank You first to Joy for giving me the opportunity to enter her giveaway and win! And secondly to Steph from Luka Organics. Thank You for a quality product! And THANK YOU for the extra bars to try out! I can tell when I receive my boxes each time that every bar is made with love for the environment and love for your customers!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Im back in the game!
So, I'm gonna admit, I have slacked off on my weight loss journey....I haven't just slacked off, I didn't do anything at all since my last post.....I know, I know. I'm disappointed in myself too. But I just wanted to let everyone know that I am back in the game! Tonight I worked out for 10 minutes. I went 1.13 miles and burnt 147 calories. I know, I'm starting back at the beginning, but at least I'm starting up again. I really need your prayers so please put some out there for me!
Until next time my friends.....
Until next time my friends.....
Might as well face it, Your addicted to......
If you know me in real life you probably know that I am addicted to social networking!
You name it, I have probably tried it at least once! My favorite has got to be Facebook, however. I LOVE Facebooking. I facebook pretty much all day! I have been known to update my status more than 10 times in a single day! I facebook at home, I facebook at my parents house, I facebook on my MIL's I-Phone, I've even used my moms phone and charged her a pretty penny before! (Opps!) One would think that I would have a cell phone with internet myself so that I can Facebook at all times of the day but Im waitng for my phone contract to be up before I do that! So, I got myself an I-Touch for Christmas so I can Facebook with that for free! :-)
Facebook has taught me so many things.
- I have learned that people will tell you just about anything in a status update no matter how personal it is!
- I have learned that people you didnt like in high school can be pretty cool through Facebook.
- I have learned that I am a Facebook stalker because I LOVE to look at everyone's pictures!
- I have learned that I get mad if your profile is private and I cant look at it, but mine is set to private because I dont want creepers looking at my pictures! Lol
- I have learned that my family talks more on Facebook than they do in person, and we pretty much live in the same city!
- I have learned that you can learn a lot about yourself on Facebook! I never knew that I could be addicted to something until I found really is insane...
- Ive learned that I suck at Bejeweled Blitz but I am AWESOME at Waka-Waka.
- I have learned that my hubby doesnt understand the value of Facebook and doesnt appreciate it as much as I do! Hehe!
- And last but not least, I have learned that I will NEVER EVER play Farmville! No matter how much people...namely my MIL... :-) beg me to!
So, with that, tell me......
What are you addicted to?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Five on Friday!!
Another Black Friday dedicated post! Here are your 5 random facts about Black Friday!
1. Black Friday is the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season in the US.
2. The term ‘Black Friday’ dates back to 1966 but it was primarily used on the East Coast.
3. Although not an official holiday many employees have the day off due to Thanksgiving falling on the 4th Thursday in November.
4. Although Black Friday is usually billed as the busiest shopping day of the year, it comes second or third to the Saturday before Christmas.
5. Back in 1869 the term black Friday was used to describe a stock market financial crisis.
Thought Provoking Thursday, Black Friday Style!!
With Black Friday only 4 minutes away I would like to dedicate this Thought Provoking Thursday to it! I have only participated in Black Friday Festivities once in my life and I will probably never do it again! That was enough to satisfy me for probably forever!! :-) So, here is what I wanna know:
If you could get one awesome good deal on Black Friday what would it be?
I think mine would be to go to a store and get an Ipod Touch for $50 and get a free Garmin GPS with purchase!! Those are the only things on my Christmas List this year! I would probably wait in line for 4 days if they had a deal like that!!
So tell me, what is your awesome deal that you would like to get?
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