About Me

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I am Steph! I am a 30-something mom and wife. I am Bi-Polar. I am an Autism mom. I work full time outside the home. I overcommit myself every single day. I sometimes wonder how my husband puts up with me on a day to day basis. I have 2 children, one neuro-typical and one not so neuro-typical. I am a hot mess. I am Steph.

Blog Archive

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thought Provoking Thursday!

Manic Mother

I chose my idea for this thought because of a blog post on one of my favorite blogs to follow: Five Moms & A Blog!  One of the moms that posts, Miti, wrote a blog about if we call Lunch, lunch or if we call lunch dinner! Lol!  So that's what I wanna know.

Is Lunch, lunch to you, or is Lunch, dinner to you?  And then if it is dinner, do you call dinner supper?  Haha!  Are you confused yet??

Here is my answer:  I have always been a Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner girl!  I will admit, that I call Dinner, Supper more often than I call it Dinner though!

So, what are your thoughts??  Share them here and then start your own Thought Provoking post if you would like.


  1. It's breakfast, lunch, dinner and dinner is NOT supper. I hate the word supper! lol


  2. I agree it is breakfast, lunch and dinner.
