Yes, I know I only have an hour before it is no longer Friday anymore but I still wanted to link up with my girl Jen for Health and Fitness Friday!
I am pretty much horrible at blogging lately. I really need to start jotting down blog ideas as I am going throughout my day because I have a lot of ideas I just go totally blank when I get time to sit down and actually blog! So, Jen has started a new structure for our link up and I am thrilled! It totally helps me because then I don't really have to think much, just follow her directions! LOL If I can even manage that.... ;-) So, here we go!
I haven't been wonderful with my eating lately, I haven't been awful, but not super good I really need to get back on my game! I have slacked off through the summer keeping up with MyFitnessPal (StephHightree) so I am really focusing more this month to actually log and keep track and stay within my calories. Every time I fall off the wagon I seem to go crazy on Gardetto Garlic Rye Chips, Sour Punch Straws and Frappuccinos! I'm super excited for the fall weather because that means it is Crock Pot time! I love using my crock pot because I never know if I will be home or not so this gives us an easy option to still have an awesome dinner at night.
This recipe isn't Super healthy but I am excited to try it and plan on making it sometime next week. I will have to update you on how it tastes once we test it out!

This month I have made a goal of completing 100 miles combined of walking, running and biking. I want to get as much outside workouts done before the weather starts to get colder and I am SO enjoying my mornings with no kids while they are at school so I am taking advantage of it! So far this week I am at 25.07 miles with 2 days left in the first week of the month, I just pray that I don't lose steam!
I really need to work on NOT thinking as much this week! I have noticed that this week I have been over-thinking so much that it has been keeping me up at night. My mind is just racing with the constant To-Do list that I have going through my head so I really need to work on somethings to shut my mind down to relax because we all know that sleep is a BIG chunk of being healthy! I'm really going to work on some sleep routines to try and calm myself down and not think as much when I should be sleeping!
Well, I've spent entirely too long writing this post and am now 8 minutes away from Saturday! So, I guess I will end this until next week!
Happy Friday Friends!
Until Next Time....