I am a Lover of all things Android. I was SO jealous when I came across Instagram on my Ipod but realized that I couldn't get in on my Android phone....so naturally once I heard that they had an App available for Android I hopped right on it! Since then I have basically taken all of my pictures using that App.
So, you can guess how excited I was to find a Friday meme called Insta-Friday at Life Rearranged!
I present to you, The my week via Instagram!

I cherish the times my sweet boy lets me sing him to sleep. He was so exhausted that he climbed up on my lap and fell asleep after one song!

Sister had her first field trip last week. This was taken on the way to the zoo......which I might add was an hour and a half away on a school buss....We spent the day at Potowatomi Zoo in South Bend.
The next day Hubby was off from work so, because I'm some what crazy, we headed North to another zoo! This time we spent the day at Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek.
And we met this guy!
Towards the end of our day someone started getting a little silly!
Well, there ya have it! My first Insta-Friday! If you want to join me in this fun meme then head on over to Life Rearranged and join in! If you want to find me on Instagram look me up at Steph8084.
Until Next Time.....