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I am Steph! I am a 30-something mom and wife. I am Bi-Polar. I am an Autism mom. I work full time outside the home. I overcommit myself every single day. I sometimes wonder how my husband puts up with me on a day to day basis. I have 2 children, one neuro-typical and one not so neuro-typical. I am a hot mess. I am Steph.

Blog Archive

Friday, December 25, 2009

Five on Friday!!

Today's Five on Friday is pretty obvious!  It's about CHRISTMAS!!

1) 25th December was not celebrated as the birthday of Christ until the year AD 440.
2) Approximate amount generated by photographs with Santa in shopping malls in the USA in dollars:
3)  From the 18th century, it was a custom to ring the Church bells on the Christmas morning to inform the world the arrival of Savior ,the Christ.
 4) In Australia , It is advised to greet as “Happy Christmas” and not as “Merry Christmas” as Merry has the significance of getting drunk.
5) A wreath is used to decorate the Christmas tree and signifies the birth of Christ. The holly with the sharp needles in the wreath intends thorns in Christ's crown-of-thorns and red berries mean the blood drops of Christ.

I wish Everyone a Merry CHRISTmas today!! 

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