About Me

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I am Steph! I am a 30-something mom and wife. I am Bi-Polar. I am an Autism mom. I work full time outside the home. I overcommit myself every single day. I sometimes wonder how my husband puts up with me on a day to day basis. I have 2 children, one neuro-typical and one not so neuro-typical. I am a hot mess. I am Steph.

Blog Archive

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thank You Very Much!

~Thank You Very Much to Mother Nature for punishing blessing us with all of the storms and rain that we have had in the last week....I really enjoy being up until after 1:00 am watching the news to see if we are still under a Tornado Warning or not.

~Thank You Very Much Cady for being awake from 1:00am-3:00am the other day for what apparently was no reason at all.  If you are going to be awake, I guess....thats fine, just please kick your dad instead of kicking me in the stomach all night, Baby brother Nathan and myself would greatly appreciate it!

~Thank You Very Much to God....No SERIOUSLY, THANK YOU for watching over us and keeping us safe as I was in the process of setting my kitchen on fire Tuesday night...

~Thank You Very Much to my oven for then burning my finger while cooking on Wednesday night....Im taking this as a sign to stop cooking!

For more TYVM check out Kmama and then try it yourself!


  1. Oh yeah, that's definitely a sign to stop cooking! LOL

    Those storms have been crazy. I barely heard the one last night, but I was exhausted, so that doesn't surprise me.

    Thanks for "linking" up. Darn Mr. Linky!!!

  2. Great Blog!! I am your newest follower. Found you on Friday-Follow!



  3. anything to stop cooking. I am so with you.

  4. Found you on Friday Follow! You have such a cute family and a cute blog as well.

  5. We are considering building an ARK there's been so much rain and more coming. WOW!
